Monday, December 5, 2011

A SEXY READER asks for a hug......

A SEXY READER writes and asks me if I would give them a hug….

Holiday time is hard isn’t it? 

We all have hurts from Holidays that weren’t what they were supposed to be, we grew up watching movies and friends families who had Holidays that we didn’t have and now here we are as grown –ups or we think we are, and we are smack in the middle of one of the hardest stretches of misfortune during Holiday times that we have encountered. 

Several years ago when the economy crashed we were shell-shocked and devastated; many families were touched by unemployment and hardship. Mine was too…..

Now a few years later and at a time when we expected things to be better, they really aren’t, gas and food are higher than they ever were, our wages don’t go far enough and it is Christmas.

We want to do wonderful things for those that we love and for those that are hurting more than us. 

But that is a struggle…..we all want a hug…..and yes, my SEXY READER, I would give you a hug…I would give you a hug and I would hope that if we could all sit down and visit that we would share hot cups of tea and coffee and laugh and talk and have a good time and be good to each other….

So please SEXY READERS, do what you can to be good to yourself, be good to your loved ones and try to do something nice for a stranger if you can….

Sometimes the Holidays are just plain hard….take care of your selves and know that I care….

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